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January 26, 2018 Price, Neil Timothy

I have been working in the Business Development area for Eli Lilly for the last 10 years, working on buying/licensing some interesting technologies for the future; meaning they’ll play out over the 2020’s and even 2030’s. Overall has been very satisfying and interesting …. Going to Wharton certainly helped open up this type of opportunity for me. However, big news for us this year is that I took the Voluntary Early Retirement Program from Eli Lilly and so yesterday 12/31/17 was my last day of employment after 26.5 years. So waking up today 1/1/18 with lots of emotions and excitement about what 2018 can bring. Having only worked for a couple of large blue chip companies this is new territory for me and Tri, but we’ll have fun working things out over the next few weeks. Only definite plan at the moment is to sell up here in Indianapolis and move to the Seattle area by the middle of the year…. This is where our daughter and family live. I will be starting to look at interesting job opportunities but don’t expect to be working again until mid-year. Other family news for us is our youngest son is living in Boston working for a start-up, middle son Thomas (who was born and lived with us in Phillie) is living in Chicago. Outside of family, Tri and I continue to travel a lot and spend time on sports, hiking, and broadening our learning through Yoga and Meditation. Personally I’ve also become hooked on Tim Ferriss; his podcasts and books are like a Master’s Degree in learning about life – physical, mental, and business lessons from some great people – highly recommend it as a focused source of learning. Best regards to all our friends from WG’91 and hope to be able to meet up more often once we move to Seattle