April 30, 2023

Diane McGrath: After spending 2019 living in Costa Rica and moving to England just in time for the start of the pandemic, I have been spending the last few months catching up with fellow Wharton classmates in person. This fall, I attended the Lauder Reunion in NYC (staying with Lorrie King and Edbert Morales), followed by an amazing Wharton Reunion the following weekend in Philadelphia. This January, I visited George and Janette Hollingbery in Havana, Cuba, where George is currently the British Ambassador. In London, I’ve caught up with Bill Safran, Mike and Sybille de Vegvar, Tina Achker, Noreena Hertz, Patty Dhar and Julian Critchlow, as well as Ted Bissell and Rich Pirrotta when they came through town.


Lorrie King: My skincare brand Caire Beauty will be featured on QVC on May 16th between 9 and 11 pm ET in support of the Cosmetic Executive Women’s Cancer & Careers initiative.  Our products will be presented by my co-founder Celeste Lee and celebrity Carla Hall, pictured with me below.