Jill Wolk: I am going back to Penn for my 30th Wharton undergraduate reunion mid-May. I have been getting more active volunteering with my Temple leadership and the northern New Jersey Democratic party. Also investigating colleges for my daughter who is a junior in high school.
Mark Thomas: Exciting times here in San Francisco. Six months ago I joined a startup (www.ridecell.com) as the VP Marketing. The company makes a carsharing and ridesharing platform and powers BMW’s ReachNow service among others. I have been working on connected cars for several years now and the market is really taking off. Riding my bike to work in SF these days. Good times!
Massimo Armanini: In April the Crescita, SPAC I co-founded with other four sponsors was listed on the Milan Stock Exchange raising more capital than planned. Still living in Italy with Elena, but the kids are now in Uk and Spain.
Stephan Tanda: After spending more than a decade in Europe building Royal DSM’s Nutrition business, we have returned to the US and settled in the Chicago area, where I have assumed the role of President and CEO of AptarGroup, Inc. [NYSE: ATR]. Aptar’s 13,000 people provide specialty dispensing solutions worldwide. (think everything from nose sprays, inhalers to perfumes, shampoo and ketchup tops).
Chris Malone: I recently organized a group of over fifty WG’91 classmates to productively discuss and promote bipartisan democratic principles in the United States. You can find our group on Facebook if you’d like to join our efforts. Also, I’ve recently enjoyed working with classmate Alan Gilbert on a beverage technology venture in the Philadelphia area called BKON. We are each board members and investors in the firm, which has a patented system that produces cold brew coffee in a more natural, efficient and scalable way.